Since its introduction, the 144-hour transit visa-free policy has brought new opportunities for China's tourism and economic and trade development with its unique advantages.

The implementation of this policy has not only greatly facilitated international travelers' transit travel in China, but also brought positive impacts to China's economy and society.

From a tourism perspective, the 144-hour transit visa-free policy undoubtedly provides international travelers with more choices and convenience.

In the past, many international travelers might choose to bypass China and go directly to other countries due to visa issues.

But now, they can stay in China for up to 144 hours, which provides them with more opportunities to explore this beautiful country and experience its unique culture and history.

This not only increases China's tourism revenue, but also enhances China's international visibility and influence.

This policy also plays an important role in promoting China's economic and trade development.

With the increase in international tourists, China's hotel, catering, transportation and other related industries have further developed.

At the same time, this also provides Chinese companies with more opportunities to connect with the international market and promotes the development of international trade.

It can be said that the 144-hour transit visa-free policy has injected new vitality into China's economic development.

The policy also enhances China's international image.

By providing more convenience for international travelers, China has demonstrated its openness and inclusiveness.

This not only enhanced China's status in the international community, but also won China more respect and recognition.

The 144-hour transit visa-free policy has brought new opportunities for China's tourism and economic and trade development, while also enhancing China's international image.

The implementation of this policy is undoubtedly an important step in China's opening up to the outside world and an important sign that China is becoming more closely connected with the international community.

No policy can be perfect, and the 144-hour transit visa-free policy is no exception.

For example, how to ensure the effective implementation of this policy and prevent its abuse is an issue that needs serious consideration.

In addition, relevant supporting facilities and services need to be further improved to ensure the travel experience of international travelers in China.

The 144-hour transit visa-free policy has brought new opportunities for China's tourism industry and economic development.

We should make full use of the advantages of this policy to further promote the development of China's economy and society.

At the same time, we also need to continuously improve this policy to ensure that it can better serve China's economy and society.