Both are memes, but the meme ecology on ETH and SOL are currently quite different.

ETH popular meta:

Pepe / 4chan memes / matt furie / Autism & Cult / Elon hotspot / doge shib

SOL popular meta:

dogs, cats, celebrities

Generally speaking, there are more meme types that can sustain attention on ETH memes, while the types of memes that can sustain attention on SOL are more concentrated in a few types such as cats and dogs. We often see some projects with good meme content on sol. Dev also had a pattern to operate seriously at the beginning, and the market value could reach 1-2M or even more than 10M in a short period of time, but eventually gave up because it could not gain attention in the long term.

The formation of this phenomenon may have a lot to do with the interest orientation of KOLs, smart money and the early Golden Dog community. The meme smart money and players on ETH are relatively diverse. In the early days, the types of gold dogs were relatively abundant, and the funds and attention were also willing to bet in a variety of ways;

Starting from bonk and wif on SOL, a group of influencers and whales represented by Ansem have a more obvious preference for cats and dogs. On SOL, due to the large number of platforms and rapid attention transfer, it is more difficult to form a stable community, and attention and funds are more inclined to follow the big KOLs to fomo.

You can choose different dog fighting strategies based on the different characteristics of the two meme ecology.

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