The bull market is the playground that everyone in the cryptocurrency circle longs for. However, the reality is that most people have played around but have not made any money. All they get is to slap their thighs at the wine table and tell others that they were just a little bit away from making money. . . .

If you want to be a leader in the cryptocurrency world and want to get rich, here are some suggestions for you:

1. Learn about the cryptocurrency world: Love blockchain from the bottom of your heart.

There is a kind of person who retreats when encountering problems. Without a leader to direct him to do specific things, he just watches. Such people will never achieve anything. If you want to succeed, you have to actively work hard and study relevant knowledge. The development of the cryptocurrency circle is very fast, and new technologies are updated in real time. Only by actively learning every day can you ensure that you are not affected by false news and old news. How can you easily learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle? You need to cultivate your love for blockchain technology and Bitcoin, so that you will consciously absorb the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle every day. With the accumulation of relevant knowledge, you will have a talisman in the cryptocurrency circle.

2. Emotional stability: respond to emergencies calmly.

As a person who wants to succeed and make money, if you don't have a stable mood and always rush into things in a rush, the market will hurt you. Even if you consider the project again and again, how will you deal with the unexpected situation? You must have your own way to deal with it calmly. So when facing extreme market conditions, deal with it calmly. Sometimes heaven and hell are just a thought away.

3. God’s perspective: look at the world from outside the earth.

Most of the leeks lose money because of greed. They listen to the news from the eighth hand and buy all kinds of so-called 100x and 1,000x coins. They are not aware that the principal is being taken by the dealer. There are also leeks who think that contracts make money based on real ability. They work hard to learn K-line knowledge, interpret world news, and plunge into the contract market, forgetting that the contract market is a life-or-death struggle. Even as long as you don't quit, you are not afraid of making money, and sooner or later you will blow up your position. Since you are all losing money, why not jump out of this circle and look at the currency circle from a God's perspective. Teach others to choose 100x coins, teach others to play contracts, earn tuition fees, and earn membership fees. The logic is very simple. Others do what projects are popular, and you teach others to do what projects are popular. There is no loss of money, it is really a steady way to make money. Even if you don't do well, it's just a waste of energy, and it won't make you lose your principal to the point of breaking your bones.

If you want to make money, live a good life, or even be financially free, then today's article will be absolutely useful to you. Bitcoin is about to usher in a big bull market, and Bitcoin will reach 15-30 US dollars per coin in 2025. The opportunity is right in front of you. Friends who don't know how to make money yet must read today's article and apply what they have learned. I hope every friend can make your own wealth. #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?