1. Main content of SAB 121 law:

  • SAB 121 is a "non-binding employee guidance" proposed by the SEC.

  • Require entities holding cryptocurrencies to report those holdings to the SEC and include them on their balance sheets as liabilities.

2. Reasons for passing the law:

  • Improved customer disclosure and crypto asset transparency.

  • Ensuring that companies report crypto assets honestly and accurately helps protect investors.

3. Views and concerns from the cryptocurrency industry:

  • Critics fear that the requirement to report crypto assets as liabilities will discourage banks and other financial companies from providing crypto services.

  • This could stifle innovation and growth in the cryptocurrency industry.

  • Cryptocurrency advocates, such as Dave Weisberger and Eleanor Terrett, worry that discouraging banks from entering the sector could increase risks for investors due to a lack of institutions providing custodial services. trustworthy watch.

4. Political context and possibility of overturning the veto:

  • The Biden administration vetoed SAB 121, even though the bill received bipartisan support in the House and Senate.

  • Overriding President Biden's veto requires a two-thirds majority from both houses of Congress.

  • Passage of the bill will depend on the support of at least 290 House members, which means 62 more votes are needed than the 228 originally voted.

5. Impact on the cryptocurrency community and upcoming elections:

  • A veto could affect cryptocurrency-owning voters, an important group in an election year.

  • The House's decision could impact this group's voting decisions in the November election.


  • The SAB 121 law has the goal of transparency and investor protection in the cryptocurrency industry but also causes many concerns about the negative impact on the development of the industry.

  • The House of Representatives' decision to overturn President Biden's veto will have a major impact on the cryptocurrency industry and the political landscape in the US in the near future.

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