The entire market is looking at Germany.

In the European Cup, Spain is facing Germany. Countless people in the cryptocurrency circle, including Thirteen, prayed for Germany to be eliminated. Those who maliciously sell off and crash the cryptocurrency circle will be punished by God.

Fortunately, God had a good heart and Spain scored the winning goal in the last few minutes.

Of course, this is just a joke. Germany transferred 16,000 bitcoins to the exchange yesterday. If such a large amount were to fall directly, a big hole would likely be created in the market.

Fortunately, the market maker had received Germany's selling application in advance, so the market maker took on almost all of the $900 million selling pressure.

It is said that due to poor liquidity, market makers returned $160 million worth of Bitcoin.

It's not just the German government. The United States, Mentougou and some mysterious addresses are all selling collectively. Why?

Perhaps it is more important to see the essence behind this matter than to analyze the sell-off itself every day.

These sales are too coincidental. They happened at the same time as if they had been agreed upon. Is there an invisible hand controlling all this?

At this time, we need to test our reverse thinking. Since the invisible hand wants everyone to panic and sell and flee, then we should do the opposite. It may be the most correct choice to arrange spot transactions at the same time.

Of course, some people think that bottom fishing is metaphysics. Bottom fishing may be halfway up the mountain, or it may be a metaphysics of returning to zero.

In fact, they all make sense. It just depends on whether we are optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency.

What do you think it will be in 25 years? If it is at least higher than now, then buying may be the right choice;

If you think it is a bear market, then clear out all your positions. Investing is investing in the future, which is inherently very risky.


Today there was another rumor that Germany took back $200 million worth of Bitcoin from exchanges, as if it regretted its decision.

Therefore, it is a bold guess that the German government may have come to its senses.

This news is pure bullshit, don't believe it.

A government's decision is different from that of an individual. Once the decision to sell off is made, it cannot be easily changed.

You can compare this news with the first paragraph where the market maker returned $160 million worth of Bitcoin due to poor liquidity, and it may make sense.

In other words, the German government took back $200 million worth of Bitcoin from the exchange not because it regretted selling it, but because it believed that the market had poor liquidity, so it returned $160 million worth of Bitcoin, not $200 million.

It is difficult to tell whether the various news in the cryptocurrency circle is true or false. When reading the news, you must verify it from multiple sources and find the source, especially those news that may have a major impact on your investment decisions.

You may not know that any consulting platform in the cryptocurrency circle is filled with a lot of spam.

For example, in order to promote a local dog project, you can directly contact the platform, pay, and then publish promotional messages.

Many friends saw this project on these platforms covered with all kinds of glittering gold and thought it was a heavyweight project, but they didn’t know it was just a small-time project.

Including a certain account, many people use it every day, but the exchange above is full of scam exchanges. When countless friends are deceived by scammers, they ask the account to check the information of this exchange.

Then they transfer their assets to these junk exchanges without any worries, and then the money is gone forever.

This is the cruel cryptocurrency world.

Thirteen fans are welcome to consult Thirteen before making any major investment decisions.

At least you can avoid being scammed.


In the past few days, people have been asking Thirteen: "Will the market continue to fall? Where is the bottom? When will the Ethereum spot ETF be listed?..."

These questions thirteen cannot be answered. If I could give you an accurate answer, then I would not be just a blogger now, but I should be a banker and reap the profits.

In the short term, the market may continue to fall, and it is not impossible to even fall to 4 (the probability is extremely low). There are many reasons for this. For example, on-chain data shows that some big investors are frantically lightening their positions and have sold 13,140 Ethereum.

A certain big short seller is about to take action. The market is very fragile at the current position. Once the airdrop is seen as an action, there will be a vacuum downwards. There will only be resistance at 50,000~52,000, etc.

These are actually the reasons for the decline that we found ourselves, and some of them are simply guesses.

Some people say that if the stock price really falls, you will be deified and can brag about it for the rest of your life.

As for Shisanquan, we have always been optimistic about the market conditions this year and next year, and there is no problem for Bitcoin to reach 100,000.

But we still need to focus on stability when investing.

Neither go all in nor go short and wait for lower prices. Instead, control your positions reasonably, combining long-term and short-term positions, always keep enough spare cash to leave yourself a way out.

If you invest safely in the cryptocurrency world, you will make endless money. Many people enter the market for financial freedom rather than getting rich slowly, which will result in people constantly losing their fortunes in the cryptocurrency world.

Although these people are pitiful, they do not deserve sympathy.

Since you are a gambler, you have to choose between financial freedom and bankruptcy. However, the cruel reality is that 99% of people lose everything.

Everyone must recognize this reality.

In the cryptocurrency world, scientific investment methods and a healthy investment mentality are key.

If you don’t have it, then welcome to join the Thirteenth Circle and I will give it to you.


Thirteen predicted the market bottom many times. I remember predicting it once when it was at 60,000, and was slapped in the face.

I thought that after the Bitcoin halving, coupled with the presidential election and the arrival of the interest rate cut cycle, it would be difficult for Bitcoin to fall below.

Unexpectedly, this time due to off-market factors, the market was crashed and the price was directly dropped to more than 53,000.

Now Bitcoin has been fluctuating above 56,000.

Thirteen has been saying these days that the bottom of this round of decline may be in the range of 50,000 to 52,000, and he also said that he will double the leverage in this range.

Many people have come out to criticize Thirteen, but which one is the bottom?

The market situation always changes one step at a time. Thirteen can only make the most probable prediction based on his own cognition and cannot guarantee to be prepared. If I could, I would not be sitting in front of the computer typing away.

We must look at this prediction rationally.

The most important thing in investment is not prediction, but using scientific methods to avoid risks and always leaving yourself a way out. This is the key.

Stop criticizing me, short-term market trends are unpredictable.

This time, Thirteen also predicted the bottom, and believed that as long as it reached this range, the wait-and-see funds would decisively enter the market to buy at the bottom, and the possibility of falling below 50,000 was very low.

If the stock price falls below, Shisan will become a monk and seek spiritual belonging in Buddhism, and will come back after the stock price goes back up.

Today I saw many experts say that, including Germany and Mentougou, the total actual selling pressure is around 9 billion, accounting for only 4% of the total trading volume since 2023.

Thirteen also said in the previous article that Wall Street ETF can easily absorb this selling pressure.

Coupled with data such as some big whales quietly buying Bitcoin, Thirteen believes that the bottom of the market may have arrived. Don't get off the bus and don't panic. Spring is not far away.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the world of cryptocurrency. ​