It is very important to remember the following points:

Don't increase your position when the market is falling, and don't blindly chase the rise and sell the fall.

It is crucial to keep a calm and rational mindset so that you can focus on the market.

You must maintain awe of the market, and position management is crucial.

It is recommended to control the proportion of spot investment to 90%-95%, and contract trading to 5%-10%.

For spot investment, it is recommended to build positions in batches, and you can buy in several times to reduce costs.

If you trade in contracts, the total amount of initial positions and replenishment should not exceed 10% of the total position to reduce the risk of forced liquidation and protect the investment principal.

Especially for novices, it is recommended to avoid complex contract transactions as much as possible and focus on a stable spot investment strategy. Want to know more first-hand information and in-depth analysis of the currency circle? Hurry up and click on the homepage to view the introduction, which will bring you the latest market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day

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