U.S. Government: More than $360 million in profits so far, latest sales have limited impact.

The U.S. government holds the most Bitcoin in the world. According to Arkham data, as of June 27, the U.S. government holds more than 213,000 Bitcoins, worth more than $12.97 billion. These Bitcoins mainly come from seizures from law enforcement operations such as Silk Road, Bitfinex hacking, and hacker James Zhong.

Chinese government: More than 190,000 bitcoins come from pyramid schemes, and recent shipment rumors cannot be verified.

The Chinese government is the second largest holder of Bitcoin in the world. According to Bitcoin Treasuries, the Chinese government holds 194,000 Bitcoins worth $11.84 billion. These Bitcoins were seized from the PlusToken pyramid scheme in 2020.

Recently, there have been rumors in the market that the Chinese government is "shipping", but due to the lack of accurate tracking addresses, the specific changes in Bitcoin holdings are still unknown.

British government: More than 60,000 bitcoins seized in Chinese money laundering case, no sales yet

The British government is also one of the world's largest Bitcoin holders. According to Arkham data, the British government currently holds about 61,000 Bitcoins, worth more than $3.72 billion, and no transfers have occurred.

It is worth mentioning that these bitcoins mainly come from a Chinese money laundering case involving a total amount of 43 billion yuan, which is the largest Bitcoin money laundering case in the UK to date.

German government: 4/5 of Bitcoin holdings seized from pirated movie websites have been transferred

The German government has also seized a large amount of Bitcoin in law enforcement operations. According to Arkham data, as of June 27, the German government still holds about 45,000 Bitcoins, currently worth more than $2.75 billion.

In the past week, the German government's Bitcoin holdings have changed frequently, and it has transferred about 8,495 Bitcoins to market makers Flow Trader and multiple exchanges such as Kraken, Bitstamp, and Coinbase, accounting for less than one-fifth of its current holdings.

El Salvador: Floating profit exceeds 50 million US dollars, no plans to sell at present

After El Salvador announced its strategy of purchasing one bitcoin every day, according to Arkham data, as of July, the country already owned about 5,794 bitcoins, currently worth about $350 million, with a floating profit of more than $50 million.

In addition, the Bitcoin holdings of Russia and North Korea are also worth paying attention to. Although the country's holdings cannot be determined, they are also particularly important in the crypto market.

Russia now holds about 11% of Bitcoin mining share, ranking third in the world; North Korea stole a total of $2 billion in cryptocurrencies from 2018 to 2023, including $600 million in cryptocurrencies last year alone.

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