Ten truths about the cryptocurrency world, you will be awakened instantly after reading them!

1. You may think that a certain copycat coin is expected to rise 100 times, but in fact, there is a 99.99% chance that the coin will eventually return to zero!

2. When something is promoted as an opportunity to make money, it is likely that it is time to take over!

3. When you feel that the market is about to be destroyed and all coins will return to zero, it often means that a bull market is coming!

4. When you are more and more certain about the rise of a certain coin, it is likely that the dealer is closing the position!

5. Although you think it is easy to make money in the cryptocurrency world, in fact, losses are more likely to occur!

6. Don't overthink that KOLs make a lot of money. Some KOLs may not earn as much as you!

7. You may think that the success rate of playing contracts is 50%, but in fact, the success rate of making money is less than 10%!

8. The dealer is not your enemy. Only by holding the dealer tightly can you make a profit!

9. In the cryptocurrency world, all currencies have no real value. The only thing that creates value is human greed!

10. Getting rich in the cryptocurrency world often depends on luck, not hard work!


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Click on my avatar. Pay attention, and share the following in the next issue: <<Ten Rules for Trading>>

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