Nothing today

But I paid attention to three varieties

One is TIA

One is SAGA

One is EDU

One is ETH

But in the end, only EDU got a bite of blood

There is no problem with intraday splitting of TIA and Saga

Since ETH was shorted near 3005 yesterday, it was directly pulled to around 3100 in the last hour

Although the waterfall went down at night, some fans of big cake shorts and ether space did not leave, and they directly closed their positions with one click

But considering that the two cakes broke through 3000 yesterday, the pending orders at 3110 were directly filtered today

Although it fell back to double at 3115 in the end, it still did not get done

This is mainly because of yesterday

At the same time, when we manage the split positions, we often need the volume to match the technology

Then manage the split positions according to the multiples, and you will find that the chance of success is very high

Although there is a 50% probability that the technology will be eaten by the dog dealer in the end

But if you control the previous volume, multiples, and split positions well, you can still achieve a 70% success rate!

But you must be bold and radical in the middle!

This is also a reply to the previous fan's question.

New fans can view every article in the past years.

The whole process is open.

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