According to coin friends, many local aunties in their 50s and 60s are involved in running points. They still do it even though they know that running points helps upstream criminals to make illegal money.

Can you imagine? Those retired aunties have nothing to do, they just look after their grandchildren, do some square dancing, tap their phones, help people transfer money (X money), and earn over a thousand dollars a day.

After making money, a few old sisters went to a restaurant and praised each other for being so young, having good skin and looking so fashionable. At the dinner table, the leader said, "We are engaged in the new Internet economy. The more bank cards you have, the more you can earn. You can get bonuses and make money by recommending others to play..."

A group of old ladies, who are already old and buried up to their necks in the dirt, are still trying to make money by illegal means. They are so ignorant and fearless. The powder on their faces is falling off like scraped wall putty, and their eyebrows are painted as fake as those of burnt paper dolls, like old cucumbers painted green to look young.

It's not that they don't respect the elderly, but these elderly people are breaking the law and committing crimes, and they really deserve to be scolded. They laugh when they make money, but cry out that they are innocent when they are arrested. Now you know why it is difficult to apply for a card? It is to prevent people from using their cards to help others make money.

These middle-aged women receive 10,000 yuan in illegal funds and earn between 200 and 300 yuan; after receiving the illegal funds, they transfer them to the accounts provided by the upstream parties to complete the illegal activities.

The promoter can give as much as he wants to his subordinates, as long as they are willing to use their own cards to play. The most hateful are those black-hearted leaders who know that the black money freezes the cards and does not use their own cards to run points, but promotes others to make a profit from the difference.

Among all frozen cards, the one caused by running points is the most difficult to solve, because running points means X amount of money, which is suspected of aiding or concealing. It is not a simple problem of "unfreezing bank card".

Even if you can prove that you helped others transfer money without knowing it and are innocent, you still cannot unfreeze your card! Wait until the three-year card-breaking penalty expires and it will be automatically unfrozen.

If you were deceived into running points without knowing it, it is recommended that you go to the bank first to find out which uncle froze the funds. The bank is obligated to inform you.

After finding out the truth, take the initiative to go to your uncle and explain the situation. Write down the process of your being cheated as a material report, so that even if something goes wrong later, you will have "actively cooperated".

Don’t even think about unfreezing your bank card! How can you unfreeze it? Even if you were deceived into participating in the money laundering, you still need to return the stolen money to unfreeze your card. The money laundering is usually very large. Can you afford to return it? Moreover, it also involves the upstream fleet and the victim’s case.

If you know that it is a scam and still participate, forget it. I don't think you dare to take the initiative to go to the uncle to explain the situation. As for the bank card freezing, I guess you will just let it go. Just wash your neck at home and wait. Maybe one day the uncle will come to your house and press your head.

Standards for filing a case:

1. Your commission for running points exceeds 10,000 yuan.

2. Your running turnover exceeds 200,000.

3. Your score helps more than 3 people.

As long as you meet one of the above conditions, you meet the standard for your uncle to file a case; even if you are sentenced to probation and do not have to actually go to jail, you will still have a criminal record.

1. Providing their own payment channels, knowingly participating in the money laundering, and being caught as "helping others" to withdraw cash by face recognition to "cover up". If the bank card has been frozen three times, it means knowingly participating in the money laundering.

Second, they run the points themselves and organize others to run the points. After being caught, they "help to spread the news" or "cover up and conceal" the facts. Their sentences are calculated based on their own turnover and the turnover of their subordinates, as well as their own profits.

Third, they don’t run away, but organize others to run away. After being caught, they “help to believe” or “cover up” or “cheat”. It depends on the turnover of the people below, their own profits, and their own roles. For example, the kind of people who connect with the market and then organize the people below to participate, these people think that they are not running away, their cards have not received money, and the network is secretive, so they think it’s not a big problem. But be careful, as long as your subordinates are arrested, the probability of you being betrayed is 99%, after all, they want to reduce their sentences and make meritorious contributions.

Fourth, you participated in the money laundering without knowing it. If the amount involved is small, you can cooperate actively, return the stolen money and pay compensation, and make meritorious contributions while serving your sentence, and you can almost be released on bail.

Dear "warriors", please take the above content into consideration; the statute of limitations for running points is 5 years, are you trembling with fear?

Anyone who runs a score run is walking on the edge of a knife. Please stop the illegal behavior immediately!

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