Author: Chloe, PANews

The Republican National Committee released the official party platform for the 2024 US election on Monday (July 8), expressing support for a number of policy measures that are favorable to cryptocurrencies. The title of this document is "Make America Great Again". Unlike the lengthy sections of the party platform in the past, this update uses 10 chapters that are easy for voters to understand to simplify the text.

The Republican Party platform vows to end the "illegal and un-American crackdown" on the U.S. crypto industry. In addition to opposing the creation of a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC), the platform also promises to defend the right to mine Bitcoin and "allow cryptocurrency holders to keep their tokens themselves." The document reads: "We will defend the right of citizens to trade without government oversight and control."

The party updated its platform after eight years, ending the Democratic Party's "illegal and un-American" suppression

The Republican Party will hold its national convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from July 15 to 18. The convention will not only formally confirm Trump as the candidate for the 2024 presidential election, but will also pass and announce a new version of the party platform, attracting global attention.

Since 2016, the Republican Party has been using the old version of the party platform, so the content of the new version of the party platform this year has been highlighted by the outside world. It can be said that the new version of the party platform is regarded as the "Trump version" of the future policy blueprint of the United States. In addition, Trump's national polls are far ahead after the debate, so its content has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life and has a profound impact on the political direction of the Republican Party.

The 2024 party platform is named "Make America Great Again" and specifically states in the text that it is dedicated to the "forgotten American men and women". It also uses itemized text to explain the full text of the party platform, including "fighting inflation", "blocking borders to stop the influx of immigration", "building the strongest economy in history", "realizing the American dream", "protecting American workers and farmers" and other 10 chapters that are easy for ordinary voters to understand.

In the third chapter, Building the Strongest Economy in History, the Republican Party's economic policy is based on five pillars: cutting regulations, making the Trump-era tax cuts permanent and abolishing the tip tax, promoting fair and reciprocal trade agreements, ensuring reliable and sufficient low-cost energy, and advocating innovation. In terms of innovation, the Republican Party particularly emphasizes three areas: cryptocurrency, AI, and space exploration.

Regarding cryptocurrencies, the Republican Party stated that it will end the Democratic Party's "illegal and un-American" suppression and oppose the creation of a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC). It will also defend the right to mine Bitcoin and ensure that citizens have the right to self-custody their crypto assets and trade cryptocurrencies free from government surveillance and control. In addition, regarding AI, the Republican Party stated that it will abolish the dangerous policies of the current President Biden that prevent the development of AI innovation. As an alternative, the Republican Party supports the development of AI technology based on freedom of speech and human prosperity.

Opposition to central bank digital currency (CBDC) has always been one of the propositions of Trump and the Republicans in the 2024 election campaign. They are worried that the US CBDC may be used to control the American people. Republican Minnesota Congressman Tom Emmer previously proposed the "CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act", the main purpose of which is to prevent the US central bank from continuing to develop the "digital dollar". Tom Emmer proposed this bill because he is worried that financial transactions will be widely regulated by government agencies.

He said, "CBDC is a currency that is completely controlled by the government, and may even give the federal government the opportunity to investigate the transaction information of American citizens."

2024 is a big year for global elections, and support for cryptocurrency is key to winning the election

2024 is a big year for global elections. Nearly half of the world's population will participate in elections in 64 countries. In this year's election, cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin, is becoming a key issue. At present, it seems that candidates who support cryptocurrency have a higher chance of winning. For example, in Latin America, candidates who support Bitcoin have won a landslide victory in the elections in El Salvador and Argentina.

In the United States, although there are voices of support and opposition from both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, overall the Republican Party seems to be more inclined to support cryptocurrencies, while the Democratic Party is relatively cautious.

However, CCN also stated that although Trump recently positioned himself as a cryptocurrency advocate at a fundraiser in San Francisco, apart from declaring that he would release Ulbricht from prison, he has not yet outlined in detail the specific policies on cryptocurrency that he would implement if elected. But it is undeniable that the elections held this year will set the tone for how digital assets will be regulated in the coming years, and many candidates now recognize their growing influence and importance.