In fact, it is not important who Satoshi Nakamoto is now. What is important is the more than one million bitcoins in Satoshi Nakamoto's hands.

Bitcoin is now worth more than 10 trillion yuan. If Satoshi Nakamoto is from China, how many aircraft carriers and fighter jets can be built with 10 trillion yuan? Even if there is no military construction, can it be used to improve people's livelihood and welfare? For example, inject universal medical insurance and pension insurance into rural areas to further solve the problem of medical care and pension in rural areas.

10 trillion yuan, how much land do you need to rent in Africa?

How much land do you need to rent in Russia?

Assuming that the scale of blockchain encrypted assets reaches 10 trillion US dollars, what is China's share in this market?

I have no prejudice against domestic A-shares, but I just can't stand some companies. They are too ugly. They do things one by one for their own people. If they have the ability to do things abroad, they will be awesome.

Ethereum has a market value of 3 trillion yuan. Look at the largest group of Ethereum holders in Asia.

Finance is a weapon. In financial warfare, we should learn more from the United States and be more humble. It is not shameful to be inferior to others. Only after learning can we turn the gun of finance to the outside.

I don't know who gave the country the advice to only develop blockchain, but to cut off the token economy in blockchain. Such people are either bad or have ulterior motives, and are misleading the development of China's blockchain.

The token economy is the leg of blockchain development. If the token economy in blockchain continues to be cut off, it is an ironclad fact that China's blockchain and digital assets lag behind the world.

The token in the blockchain is not only a tool to connect the information islands between different chains, but also an important link for people to interact with the chain.

Even now, there are still some public chains in China that are boasting that the transaction volume has surpassed Ethereum to some extent, but let's compare the market value of Ethereum and its influence in the blockchain field.

Ethereum currently has a market value of more than 3 trillion yuan, and its influence in the international blockchain is only lower than Bitcoin. Which public chain in China can surpass Ethereum in terms of market value and international influence? ? ?

We have to work harder in this field.