Many fans asked me what to do if I was stuck with xx coins?

In the past, as long as it was not the peak of the bull market, there was no need to rush. If you were stuck with any coin, there would still be a high probability of being unstuck, and you might even continue to make many times more money.

But now I can't see this possibility at all. The boundaries between bull and bear are very blurred. There are many coins that have broken new lows in the bull market. After many coins were hyped by small dealers, I can't see them wanting to continue to control the market. Why? Because they also understand that the boundaries of the bull market are blurred, and there are more sickles in the market than leeks. If they don't escape, they may be cut by the old OG in turn. #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC下跌分析