How many black swans are there in Bitcoin?

Today we will continue to talk about the black swans in the currency circle.

The black swan events in the past few days have caused many people to suffer a catastrophe. Within one day, 230,000 people were liquidated, with an amount of 660 million US dollars. The market was red across the board, and Ethereum was the worst, with a direct drop of more than 10%.

The main reason is that the German government sold Bitcoin. Since the European Cup, the Germans have been selling it, but this time the impact of the German team's loss is greater. Of course, there is also some impact from the Fed's expectation of a rate cut. And this point was also foreseen by Youyou and his friends in a chat, but they didn't expect it to drop so much at once.

Since the birth of virtual currency, its concealment has been criticized, and governments of various countries are currently resisting it. Governments of various countries have seized various virtual currencies, and when the process is completed, they can all be sold one after another. When the government takes the lead in selling, coupled with various negative catalysts, a sharp drop is inevitable.

In this way, various black swan events should emerge in an endless stream. If you are an old player in the cryptocurrency circle and don’t even have this mentality, it is best to get out early. After all, money is just a thing outside of your body. It is really troublesome if your mentality breaks down.

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After the 9.4 crisis, most currencies were directly cut off, and the market was extremely panicked, but some people believed that wealth and honor have always been sought in danger, so they went across the ocean to buy Bitcoin, and everyone knows the result. I believe that every plunge and every suppression is a new life.

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