Is there still hope for FIL in this bull market? !

From the big trend, FIL has been fluctuating at the bottom for nearly one and a half years. During this period, it has also tried to break through, but failed. This shows that the pressure on FIL is very heavy.

Some people leave the market when it rises a little bit, and after fluctuating at the bottom for so long, many short-term traders will also take profits at the pressure level.

Logically speaking, the longer the bottom oscillation lasts, the greater the room for later rise, but this may not be the case for FIL.

Although FIL's fundamentals have lost their competitive advantage, there is still no problem in the short and medium term. After all, there are still many people who have hope for it and the consensus is still there.

Whether it is short-term or medium-term, you must know how to stop when you see a good profit. FIL is different from other coins. The locked-in disk above is too heavy, and as long as it rises, some people will leave the market.

Long-term trading of FIL is not recommended. The previous article has been emphasizing that my personal opinion is that I am not optimistic about how well FIL can perform. Anyone who has bought a mining machine knows the reason, so I will not say more here. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #FIL/USDT