
UNI current market analysis:

On the 4-hour chart, as long as the price remains above 7.901, the overall trend is a bullish market.

Specific to the short-term (1-2 hour level), it is also confirmed to be in a bullish situation. #UNIUSDT #币安7周年 #币安合约锦标赛

However, it is not recommended to blindly chase the rise in the short term. It is recommended to wait patiently for the opportunity for the price to fall back to the range of 7.712 to 7.507.

If it does not fall below this range during the fallback process, there is a good opportunity to enter the long position.

The upper target price is set between 8.122 and 8.311, and you can pay close attention to the market changes near these two positions. #ASI代币合并计划 $UNI $BTC $ETH