The heroes have returned in triumph🚀🚀🚀

The data of the heroes of yesterday's battle is here

Germany led 3673 BTC to temporarily return to the camp to avoid the battle.

I hope the German government will take care of itself and stop being an enemy of the big brother.

Yesterday, the US stock ETF had a total inflow of 295 million US dollars, of which BlackRock Fund had an inflow of 187 million, Fidelity had an inflow of 61.5 million, and even Grayscale, which always sells out, had a net inflow of 25.1 million.

Such a large inflow shows that a short-term bottom consensus has been formed at around 55,000. Miners will protect the market and big investors will buy the bottom. If there is no extreme negative news, the market will rebuild the bottom around this price

If the German government stops selling, the selling market in Mentougou will slowly digest it. When the compensation is completed in October, a new wave of growth will surely come.


