In the current market analysis of TRX, we observed that the daily level correction has been completed, accompanied by the appearance of yellow dots, which usually indicates that the market will enter the relay rise stage.

Therefore, investors should pay close attention to the long-short balance point in the daily chart, especially the changes near the key price of 0.12590.

In order to further confirm the buying opportunity, it is recommended to turn the analysis perspective to the 4-hour level chart and wait for the clear appearance of the long signal, which will be a strong indication of the long buying point.

If TRX successfully stands at the support level of 0.12701 at the 4-hour level, the potential pressure level above can be seen as 0.12824, 0.12928 and 0.13017, which may become resistance points for future price increases. #币安7周年

However, if TRX fails to effectively break through the key resistance level of 0.12701, investors should adjust their strategies in time and turn to look for short signals in the 1-hour level chart, that is, the appearance of purple dots. #ASI代币合并计划

At this time, we should be alert to the possible downward trend of prices and pay special attention to the support areas below, including 0.12465, 0.12373 and 0.12267, which may become support points when prices fall. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $TRX