Dog dealers operate like an art, and even the market crash needs careful layout. This time the market crash method is very different from the past, mainly because the story does not have enough explosive power.

Although the government currency value and door compensation in the United States and Germany have an impact, they are not enough to trigger a large-scale market crash.

Therefore, the dealer adopted the strategy of time + space, through a slow decline, to let the altcoin slide smoothly, not giving the market a chance to rebound.

This market crash method is not only to collect chips at a lower price, but also a psychological warfare on the market. If we don't have enough cognition, it is easy to cut meat in panic and fall before dawn.

Trading is a lonely thing, you need to have your own ideas and opinions. However, humans are group animals and crave recognition from others.

Loneliness makes us lack a sense of security, and we will see if other people's opinions are consistent with our own. Once consistent, we will feel at ease; once different, we will be full of anxiety.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #BTC下跌分析 #币安7周年

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