【News】According to Arkham Intelligence data, the German government has received 2,898 bitcoins returned by exchanges, equivalent to about $163 million, mainly from Coinbase, Kraken and Bitstamp. The exchange may have returned the bitcoins for failing to sell them within the target price range. In addition, Apple's stock price hit a new high, with a total market value of nearly $3.5 trillion, returning to the top of the US stock market. In the cryptocurrency market, BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, DOGE and XPR all rose. Six US spot Ethereum ETF applicants have submitted S-1 document updates, including Fidelity, VanEck, Franklin, 21Shares, Grayscale, and BlackRock. The Singapore court supported Fantom Foundation to win the lawsuit against Multichain, ruling that Multichain breached the contract and compensated for $2.1 million in losses. The US Republican Party expressed support for a number of crypto policy measures in its official 2024 party platform. Visa has launched a trial of tokenized deposits with HSBC and Hang Seng Bank in the Hong Kong e-HKD pilot program. Dubai Customs has introduced a new blockchain platform to increase the transparency of business operations and enhance government cooperation with the logistics industry. The German government has sold more than half of its seized assets. BlackRock's BUIDL fund has exceeded $500 million. Cryptocurrency vulnerabilities have lost nearly $1.4 billion this year. Matthew Sigel, head of digital asset research at Bitwise, predicts that more than $6 trillion will flow into the cryptocurrency market in the next 20 years, mainly from the huge wealth inherited by young American investors.