Insights on Bitcoin's morning market on Tuesday, July 9

When you decide to go all out for your dream, the entire universe will make way for you. Yesterday, Bitcoin and Ethereum both experienced a wash-out rhythm, with short selling switching back and forth and a large amplitude. The overall process was a wide-range tug-of-war. After a round of bottoming out at 54,260 in the morning, it quickly rebounded to 58,263, and then rebounded to 54,800 under pressure again, and now it has returned to the 56,600 line. Yesterday, there were also some gains and losses in the process of long and short washing back and forth. The big cake received 3,300 points and the bamboo shoot received 600 points. Under this rhythm of long and short washing back and forth, it is difficult for anyone to stand firm.

Returning to the market, it can be basically seen that from the trend of the daily line, the overall structure is still in a weak downward trend. Although there is a short-term rebound, the continuity is insufficient, and the downward trend structure has not been affected. The main structure is still in a bearish form. At present, the trend of pulling back and forth at a low level in the 4-hour chart cannot be continued. After the underworld, it rebounded again, and there is still a certain continuity. In the short-term rhythm, we can pay attention to the rebound of the market and participate in it with the idea of ​​​​stepping back and going long.

On Tuesday morning, it is recommended to go long at 56500-56000 for big cake, and the target is 58000-58500.

On Tuesday morning, it is recommended to go long at 3000-2870 for Ethereum, and the target is 3090-3150.

Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not qualified to plan for a region. The market is unpredictable. Set your mind, observe the situation, plan and then act. Don't be confused in your heart, don't be trapped in your emotions, and plan in the tent, so that you can win thousands of miles away. There are three thousand weak waters, only take a scoop, take what you need, don't be greedy, don't be warlike, and be able to control it freely, so that you can win. #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB