Outrageous! On the first working day of this week, the market of Bitcoin and Ethereum was so exaggerated, with frequent ups and downs, almost like every needle was inserted into the aorta. This kind of market is really like a roller coaster, which makes people feel thrilling. We also saw that the short orders of Bitcoin and Ethereum closed 1439➕98 points in the morning. Seeing that the retracement strength of the market at that time had come to an end, we waited for a while and gave a long order layout. The original intention was to catch a rebound, but we didn’t expect the market to go out like this. It happened to rebound directly to the sky. It was really lucky. Near the evening, Bitcoin and Ethereum closed 3198➕200 points again. The one short and one long positions given by Bitcoin and Ethereum during the day took a total of 4637➕298 points, a beautiful start. In the follow-up, we also remind friends who are trading in the real market not to enter the market easily. The market has already started to go crazy. If you choose to wait and see, you can firmly hold on to the gains you have made in this market, which is equivalent to a complete victory.

The current market forces are too complicated, but we still have to make our own judgments based on macro news and market structure. The market fluctuates too much within a day. The information that can be obtained at the macro level is still relatively simple. From a small level, after the fierce long-short game on the market, the operating range of the long-short tug-of-war in the short term has been shrunk. After the midnight stop, it also gave a certain rebound. After the hourly level recovered, it gave a cross Yang K. The strength of the bullish rebound has been weakened. Therefore, the layout from now to the morning can be carried out around the idea of ​​empty.

Bitcoin: 56300-56800 short, looking at 55500

Ether: 2995-3020 short, looking at 2940#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB