
So interesting!

Is it a bear market now?

Four things you have to know?

"Bear market is coming, crypto market: the road to counterattack from 'little brother of the dollar' to 'freedom fighter'!"

1. Fed rate hike, capital migration

There is no doubt that we are currently in the shadow of a bear market. The Fed's rate hike is like an invisible hand, manipulating the flow of funds in the global financial market.

The stock market, as a safe haven for capital, quickly absorbed a large amount of US dollars, including cryptocurrencies. This phenomenon not only reveals the complex linkage of financial markets, but also foreshadows a new trend in capital flows.

2. The dollar torrent devours liquidity

In this feast of funds, the US Treasury and stock markets became the biggest winners, and they jointly devoured as much as 60% of the US dollar in circulation.

In contrast, the cryptocurrency market is quite bleak, with its internal funds repeatedly harvested and eventually flowing to a more "safe" haven. This change has undoubtedly exacerbated the volatility and uncertainty of the crypto market.

3. ETFs enter the market, and the crypto market is on the rise again

What is more worrying is that the United States' promotion of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs does not seem to have brought substantial benefits to the crypto market.

On the contrary, it may have accelerated the further concentration and manipulation of market funds. In the past, the crypto market had relatively free capital flows, but now, with the intervention of Wall Street giants, the market's freedom has been greatly reduced.

The "recruitment" of platforms such as Binance has made market participants feel unprecedented pressure.

4. De-dollarization, the future of the crypto market

Faced with such a dilemma, the crypto market urgently needs to find a new way out. De-dollarization has become a common call for many market participants. They believe that only by getting rid of the shackles of the US dollar can the crypto market truly achieve freedom and independence.

Otherwise, this market will be hard to escape the fate of being manipulated by Wall Street, and may eventually end up in a similar situation to A-shares - a market full of restrictions and constraints, making it difficult for investors to get the returns they deserve.

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