Crypto market outlook:

The cryptocurrency market is experiencing the worst July. Under the huge pressure of the German and American governments' selling, the decline of BTC and ETH has begun to accelerate, and the crypto market is relatively sluggish. At present, the overall IV level has rebounded significantly. It is time to choose a higher IV to open a sell order. The large amount of funds delivered in the quarter may smash the IV back at any time. History will not repeat itself, but it may be surprisingly similar! I don’t know how many people have experienced the bull market from 20 to 21. That round of bull market:

● The market started to pull up in mid-October 20, due to a large amount of capital inflow from the United States;

● At the end of April 21, the weekly line of Bitcoin had a death cross, and it pulled up for half a year;

● After the death cross, it experienced a 519 plunge, and Bitcoin adjusted for more than 2 months, and started to pull up again around July 20;

● Bitcoin pulled up to November 24 and began to plummet. With the expectation of US interest rate hikes, it completely entered a bear market. This round of Bitcoin bull market from 23 to 24 has very striking similarities:

● The market started to pull up in mid-October 23, due to a large amount of capital inflow from the United States;

● At the end of April 24, the weekly line of Bitcoin had a death cross, and it pulled up for half a year;

● After the death cross, it experienced multiple single-day plunges, and Bitcoin adjusted for more than 2 months, and then... If you believe that there will be a second chance to rush up in the future, then there will be a good opportunity to lay out the bottom chips!

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