Odaily Planet Daily News Bitbank, a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Mt.Gox's compensation work, said that it expects the changes in Mt.Gox's wallet balance to have less impact on the market. Yuya Hasegawa, a crypto market analyst at Bitbank, said: "When the Mt.Gox trustee officially announced that they had started repayments, Bitcoin was already fluctuating around $54,000. After the announcement, the price of Bitcoin rebounded and briefly rebounded to $58,000 last weekend." Before Mt.Gox started to pay compensation, the market had over-digested its impact and then reacted to the (U.S.) employment report released last Friday, which was released after Mt.Gox started to repay," Hasegawa added, "This shows that market concerns about Mt.Gox's repayments are beginning to weaken, and their focus is turning back to the Fed's policy decisions." (CoinDesk)