The new coins on the list of rising coins collectively dominated the list, and the market value fell to tens of millions. Dog dealers sold a large number of coins at high prices, and now there is ample funds to pull the market, with almost no pressure.

The new coins with a market value of less than 100 million include: Cyber, ACE, XAI, REZ and AI. Since XAI will be unlocked in a large amount in one day, it is not considered for the time being. The remaining four coins seem to be similar. ACE was affected by some market sentiment, so I bought some ACE, hoping that Dog dealers can give me a chance to make money once.

At present, ACE is increasing in volume at the bottom, which may indicate that Dog dealers have entered the market. Now almost no one buys this coin, and all negative comments are given, so who is buying it in large volume?

The daily pressure level is 4.4, and there is still 50% room for growth.
