The most promising ecosystems before:

BTC and ton.

Both have the ability to issue assets in batches, but one is completely different in the way of issuing assets; the other is completely different in user acquisition and interaction.

In fact, ton represents a trend, which is to acquire users on a large scale and even generate real income, such as catizen, which has already made tens of millions of dollars in profit.

I expect that there will be better products and projects in this track, so wait patiently.

I am optimistic about ton, but more than half a year ago, I didn’t see any interesting assets in the ton ecosystem.

The price of ton’s native currency has always been very expensive, and it is heavily controlled, so I don’t dare to buy it; some of the previous ton’s defis are not cheap and a bit boring.

A series of small games and applications outside of finance represented by not are more interesting new assets and gameplay.