Several psychological weirdnesses in the cryptocurrency circle, do you have any? [Attention! Self-reflection!] 💹💹💹

1. The cryptocurrency circle is a place that only reports good news but not bad news. You will always only see a 100x gold dog being issued all over the network, but you don’t know that 99% of the local dogs have returned to zero

2. Friends in the cryptocurrency circle lose 50%, but they don’t say a word. If they make 10%, they want to issue it all over the network

3. I have heard of contracts that make people rich overnight, and I have a fluke mentality, thinking that I am the next miracle

4. I have encountered a few doubled coins by chance, and I think I am a trading genius

5. When I encounter a coin that explodes, I start to regret buying too little, and the position will be bigger and bigger next time