A quick overview of popular coins in 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuations]

1. BTC 1-hour moving average breaks upward

2. BTC price fluctuations in the last hour exceed 3%

3. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuate the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#POLYX +11.86% #TNSR +9.34% #LISTA +5.97% ;#SSV -4.46% VANRY -2.88% 1000RATS -2.53%

[Spots] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuate the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

POLYX +12.12% TNSR +9.36% LISTA +5.99% ;SSV -4.45% BETA -3.82% VANRY -2.83%

[Important information]

1. In the past hour, the entire network liquidated 56.653 million US dollars, mainly short orders

2. BNB broke through 520 US dollars

3. Data: Whales increased their holdings of 6.2 million LINK last week

4. Taiwan has established a prototype platform for CBDC

5. Report: US listed mining companies' Bitcoin mining profits in June are higher than in May

6. Tron has more than 1.8 million active addresses in the past 24 hours

7. BTC broke through 58,000 US dollars

8. DeFi derivatives protocol Cega has integrated Ethena's USDe

9. smartestmoney.eth deposited 6,400 ETH to Binance before ETH fell

10. OP broke through 1.5 US dollars #内容挖矿

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