With the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market, MEME coins have become an important battlefield for major ecosystems to compete. Especially in 2024, the popularity of MEME coins has continued to rise, attracting the attention of countless investors. This article will delve into the current dynamics of the MEME market, including the strategies of major players, market performance, and possible future development directions.

1. Current status and challenges of Pump.fun

As a leader in the MEME coin market, Pump.fun’s team generated over $54 million in revenue in just four months. However, data from DefiLlama revealed that Pump.fun’s revenue was inflated, with actual revenue of approximately $48 million. Recently, Pump.fun has seen significant declines in daily transaction volume and active users, with overall figures almost halved. This shows that even market leaders cannot avoid cyclical market fluctuations and intensified competition.

2. Moonshot’s Competitiveness

While Pump.fun is facing challenges, more competitors are pouring into the MEME market. Moonshot, launched by DEX Screener, is one of them. Although similar in functionality to Pump.fun, Moonshot lacks a communication section and live streaming function, making it less popular than Pump.fun. As of July 5, Moonshot's total revenue was only 3645.65 SOL, far lower than Pump.fun's daily revenue. This shows that it will be difficult for emerging platforms to shake the position of market leaders in a short period of time, but it also lays the foundation for future competition.

3. Jupiter’s Strategy and Layout

In order to gain a foothold in the MEME market, Jupiter launched the market discovery tool APE. The main functions of APE include discovering the latest tokens and providing Vault functions. The Vault function allows users to recharge SOL tokens to the Vault account before trading, thereby avoiding on-chain confirmation delays and the risk of attacks by MEV robots. Although the tool has just been launched and there are still some deficiencies in functional experience, its innovative function settings provide new ideas for future market competition.

4. Performance of TON Ecosystem

The TON ecosystem's MEME coin market performance is relatively quiet. Although platforms such as Gas Pump, Wonton and Pumper provide the function of issuing coins with one click, the overall popularity is low. Taking Gas Pump as an example, the highest market value of its tokens is only 14,700 US dollars, which obviously failed to arouse widespread interest in the market. This phenomenon reflects that in the fiercely competitive MEME market, innovation in technology and tools alone is not enough to attract investors, and market demand and popularity are still the key factors to determine success.

5. Market Trends and Future Outlook

According to Coingecko data, the MEME coin market has fallen by 22.5% in the past seven days. Previously popular pre-sale tokens, celebrity tokens, and cat and dog tokens have also seen a sharp drop in price. This trend shows that the market's enthusiasm for MEME coins is cooling down, and it is not surprising that the price of new mainstream MEME coins has been cut in half in a short period of time. In the future, as the market gradually stabilizes, investors need to be more cautious in choosing investment targets to avoid the risks brought by hype.

6. Strategies and Suggestions

It is not easy for investors to make profits in the MEME market. First of all, it is crucial to stay calm and rational. Investors should avoid being swayed by short-term market fluctuations and develop long-term investment strategies. Secondly, they should have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of each MEME project and evaluate its long-term development potential, rather than just chasing short-term market heat. In addition, they should use technical analysis tools and market sentiment indicators to adjust investment strategies in a timely manner to cope with rapid changes in the market.


In general, the MEME coin market is full of opportunities, but it is also accompanied by high risks. In the context of declining market enthusiasm and intensified competition, investors need to invest more cautiously and rationally. By deeply understanding market dynamics and evaluating the potential and risks of each investment opportunity, investors can find their place in this challenging market. I hope that every investor can get ideal returns in the future market.

In general, the MEME coin market is undergoing a fierce competition and reshuffle. In this process, only those platforms with innovation and market insight can stand out. For investors, staying calm, rational and patient will be the best strategy to deal with market fluctuations. The future market will be more complex and changeable. Only by being fully prepared can you succeed in this fluctuation.