Man falls into virtual currency investment and is defrauded of 108,000 yuan... (from

On June 23, 2023, Mr. Hu, a resident of Xinhuayuan Village, Jinshiqiao Town, Longhui County, Shaoyang City, saw an advertisement about investment on the Douyin platform. Out of curiosity, he downloaded a chat software according to the instructions of the advertisement. An expert who claimed to be "Teacher Zhang" in the software took the initiative to approach Mr. Hu and enthusiastically introduced the opportunities for virtual currency investment.

Under the temptation of high returns, Mr. Hu transferred the funds to two different accounts designated by the other party in two times, with a total investment of 258,000 yuan. As time went on, Mr. Hu gradually found that things did not develop as expected. Every time he asked "Teacher Zhang" about the progress of the investment, the other party always perfunctorily. Mr. Hu realized that he might have been deceived, and immediately went to the Jinshiqiao Police Station to report the crime.

After receiving the call, the auxiliary police patiently and meticulously asked Mr. Hu about every detail. At the same time, combined with Mr. Hu's chat records, auxiliary police Chen Rui, with his many years of anti-fraud experience, keenly realized that Mr. Hu was deceived, so he immediately took online emergency stop payment and freezing measures on the bank account of the suspected fraud suspect. After hard work, he successfully froze one of the defrauded funds of 108,000 yuan.

Later, the auxiliary police went to many places and finally completed the fund return procedures for Mr. Hu's 108,000 yuan defrauded at a rural commercial bank in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province. Recently, 108,000 yuan has been safely returned to Mr. Hu's bank account.

On July 4, 2024, Mr. Hu came to the Jinshiqiao Police Station of the Longhui County Public Security Bureau with excitement and handed a banner with the words "People's Police for the People, Duty and Responsibility to Recover Losses" to the auxiliary police, thanking the police for recovering 108,000 yuan for him.

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