1 Market Summary:

Bitcoin (BTC) has fallen sharply recently, affecting the entire cryptocurrency market, and was hit by a massive sell-off by the German government during the weekend. At the same time, the US stock market performed strongly, and the statement of Federal Reserve Chairman Powell hinted that there would be no interest rate cuts for the time being, which had a positive impact on the market.

2 Market Hotspots:

1. BTC Inscription Sats showed signs of rebound after oversold. UNISat plans to cash in Gas for Sawp to empower Sats by fulfilling last year's promise, and plans to realize Fractal Bitcoin (FB) in the future. However, the overall narrative of BTC Layer 2 technology is not optimistic at present.

2. NOT, SAGA and DYM in the BN (new currency) market rebounded. The various sectors of the market basically experienced a round of rebounds in turn, but then returned to the downward trend.

#BTC走勢分析 #BNB金鏟子 #NOT还会上涨吗 #sats,很明显,

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