Runes Rune Ecosystem Data Sharing!

As of July 8, 2024:

1. The total number of runes cast in the entire network: 28.13 million, with a total consumption of 2,271 BTC.

2. The average number of runes cast per day: 360,000, and the daily consumption of mining fees is: 29.1 BTC.

3. The total number of wallets cast: 1.58 million (including miner wallets of proxy platforms), and the first-ranked wallet has a cumulative casting volume of 370,000 (most of the top few are arbitrageurs).

4. The cumulative number of runes deployed: 109,000 (including invalid deployments), and the average daily deployment volume is: 1,405. The average daily consumption of mining fees: 0.98 BTC.

5. The runes with the most expensive deployment fees are: 840,000:2 and 840,000:1, which cost 8 BTC and 6.73 BTC respectively.