In recent analysis, it was found that TON officials adopted a different strategy from traditional public chain projects in ecosystem construction. They prefer a traffic-driven approach rather than a traditional asset-driven model. This means that developers must shift their focus from asset-driven (such as TVL, market value, holdings, etc.) to traffic-driven (such as DAU, PV, UV, etc.) in the cold start phase to enhance the status of the project in the eyes of the official.

Traditionally, the success of public chain projects is often judged by accumulated assets, and sustainability and core competitiveness are evaluated based on asset type and distribution. In contrast, TON chooses to promote the development of the ecosystem by attracting and managing traffic. This practice is more common in traditional Internet projects, and asset accumulation is no longer the key. For example, the most active application categories in the current TON ecosystem, such as small games like Notcoin, do not fully utilize the trust mechanism of blockchain technology and do not meet the definition of traditional DApps.

In public, Jiaoliu (Jun Yang): BNB000789, TON officials clearly expressed their desire to benchmark their ecosystem with the WeChat applet ecosystem, emphasizing traffic-driven product development. However, the Web3 venture capital that they talked to was more inclined to discuss the potential and economic model of digital assets.

This strategy involves TON's core business logic and its relationship with Telegram. Although TON is similar to other public chains, maintaining the value of its tokens is its basic business logic, but its additional option is to increase the use scenarios of tokens by supporting Telegram's advertising system, which is similar to the traffic-driven model of traditional Web2 projects, but using cryptocurrency instead of legal tender.

In the short term, TON has chosen a traffic-driven rather than asset-driven ecological construction path. This puts forward new requirements for developers. In the early stages, it is necessary to pay attention to and optimize traffic-related operational indicators in order to better obtain official support and recognition. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息? (Jun Yang's early review strategy analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum from Monday to Saturday, long-term irregular recommendation of high-quality individual coins and live broadcast analysis) Focus on the main business and don't get lost