I almost fainted when I opened my computer this morning. The cryptocurrency market collapsed again.

However, fortunately, I asked everyone to reduce their positions when it rebounded to a high point yesterday. For example, Ethereum did not ask everyone to reduce their positions at 2800, but let them go when it rebounded to nearly 3000. Today, it is 2800 again, which is a small escape from the top.

And I also asked everyone to place orders in advance in the community to ambush and lay out this second bottoming out. So far, all orders have been received.

This wave of Ethereum is expected to rebound to 3000 and around 3060 of the W bottom neckline. You can consider taking some profits. If it falls back to the opening price, close the order on the spot and wait and see. The market is unstable now, and it is better not to make a profit than to lose money.