Why is the price of Bitcoin falling? When will it end?

This is mainly due to the instability of the cryptocurrency market, and the possibility that the German government and Mt. Gox (a cryptocurrency exchange that had a big incident in the past) may have to sell their Bitcoin, which makes the market even more chaotic. In addition, Mt. Gox went bankrupt, and more than 100,000 people are waiting for their cryptocurrency to be refunded, which also makes everyone feel unsure.

With these bad things added up, investors began to worry whether Bitcoin and the stock market will continue to fall.

However, some people think that the situation may improve. Lin Chen, the head of Asia at Deribit, the world's largest options exchange, said that if the US stock market can rise on July 8, then Bitcoin may not fall again, but will start to rebound.

Although the price of Bitcoin rose slightly over the weekend, everyone still thinks that the market is still not good this week.

So, on Monday, everyone should keep an eye on the US stock market. If the stock market rises, then Bitcoin may not fall, and it will slowly stabilize.

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