📊 Hot Spot Preview: The Secret of the US Labor Market Revealed!

Hey, investment experts! 👋 This time we are going to talk about the US labor data, the freshly released June report! Data from last Friday showed that the US labor market increased by 206,000 jobs, 17,000 more than the expected 190,000! What does this mean? The US labor market is still strong! 💪

But don't be happy too quickly, at the same time, the unemployment rate quietly climbed by 0.1%, from 4.0% to 4.1%. Although it's just a little bit, it's also a signal that cannot be ignored!

Although the growth in employment exceeded expectations, the rise in the unemployment rate cannot be ignored, which makes the data present a mixed situation. 🍦

Some people believe that the unemployment rate is the key to the Fed's decision on whether to cut interest rates. If the unemployment rate soars all the way, the Fed will have to come to the brakes and make an emergency interest rate cut. That is to say, if the unemployment rate surges in the next few months, the Fed may hold an emergency meeting at any time to decide the time of interest rate cuts!

The current unemployment rate in the United States is slowly rising, but job opportunities are also increasing, so now a contradictory situation has formed. 😣 Some analysts believe that the Fed may make a big move in August or early September, so whether it starts from September or November, the pace of interest rate cuts is getting closer and closer.

For those friends who have been in the bear market for more than two years, waiting for a few more months will be a piece of cake! 🍪 Moreover, this period of time is just right for you to slightly arrange some cottages and stock up on your favorite assets.

Remember, unemployment rate and interest rate cut expectations are the two vanes of the general environment. It is expected that before the end of this year, the Fed is likely to start a rate cut cycle. Once it starts, it may be a three-year long run of interest rate cuts.

In the next three years, the investment market may usher in spring. 🌸 Therefore, everyone should pay close attention to labor data and the actions of the Federal Reserve, seize the opportunity, and make wise investment arrangements! #劳工数据 #美联储降息 #投资布局 #市场前瞻