📈Today is July 8, 2024. Market trend analysis

Hello everyone, today I will share the latest market dynamics! First of all, BTC has experienced a sharp decline, driving the downward trend of the entire market.

The market rebound seems to have ended and the main decline is beginning, affected by the German government's weekend sell-off.

On the other hand, U.S. stocks rose against the trend, and Powell hinted that there would be no interest rate cuts for the time being.

🔥Market Hotspot Review

1. BTC inscription sats rebounded from oversold, UNISAT enabled sats to be the gas of SAWP to fulfill last year’s promise, and will develop more fractal BTC (fb) in the future.

However, the overall narrative of BTC L2 is no longer favored by the market.

2. BN new coins NOT, SGA, and DYM rebounded, but after all sectors rebounded in turn, the market returned to the downward trend.

🚀How should investors respond?

Leading public funds continue to be optimistic about the medium- and long-term market style; the A-share market may rebound in the short term and is positively bullish in the medium term.

In such an environment, as investors, we need to remain calm and rationally analyze every investment opportunity.

At the same time, you should also pay attention to sectors and stocks that are undervalued by the market, as you may get unexpected gains!


In a volatile market, we must remain vigilant while also seeing opportunities.

Let us look forward to the next investment trend together!

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