[This week's important events schedule: SEC postpones response to ETHETF, the ETF will start trading as early as next week] Golden Finance reported, this week's important events schedule (July 8 to July 14). This week is not a macro week, and the German and American governments' move to sell cryptocurrencies has overshadowed other factors on the market. If the sell-off does not stop, it is difficult for the market to improve effectively. Therefore, we need to pay close attention to the movements of the German and American governments this week. In terms of cryptocurrencies, the SEC has postponed its response to the ETHETF, which will start trading as early as next week. There may be good news this week. This week's major events: July 8 Monday SEC has returned the S-1 form to the Ethereum ETF issuer and asked it to resubmit it before July 8; July 9 Tuesday Federal Reserve Chairman Powell delivered a semi-annual monetary policy testimony to the Senate Banking Committee; July 10 Wednesday The Reserve Bank of New Zealand announced its interest rate decision and monetary policy assessment report; July 11 Thursday US June CPI US first-time unemployment claims this week; July 12 Friday US June PPI. Cryptocurrency Market Outlook: The cryptocurrency market is experiencing its worst July ever, and as BTC and ETH begin to accelerate their decline under the huge pressure of the German and US government sell-offs, the cryptocurrency market has become even more sluggish. The overall IV level is currently rebounding sharply, and the timing is that the IV higher options are ready to establish a sell order, while the huge amount of money delivered in the quarter may push the IV back at any time.