The short order ideas shared in the early morning yesterday have successfully completed the profit!

The short orders of Bitcoin 57300-57800 and Ethereum 3020-3060 have all been completed!

The current profit of Bitcoin short orders is about 3,000 points, and the profit of Ethereum short orders is about 200 points!

All you need to do is open a position and wait patiently, and you can catch up with the profit of this round of decline!

As mentioned last Friday, the weekend operation can be carried out around the rebound high point to arrange short orders. The falling pattern of daily K and weekly K has not ended. As long as the short-term rebound fails to stabilize the key points above, it will not usher in a strong reversal in the short term. Therefore, seize the rebound opportunity to open a short position!

And patient waiting also gives us a good entry opportunity and sufficient profit space. From the current trend, Bitcoin weekly K level changed and fell below the lower rail support of Bollinger Bands. Ethereum also has room for further exploration. We can continue to hold short orders and look down. Steady friends can reduce their positions and take some profits first!

Keep an eye on 54000-53000, which is near the previous low. If it breaks, continue to fall. If it doesn't break, just reverse!

Keep an eye on 2800 below Ethereum. If it falls below, continue to look at 2780-2700!

There is no need to exclaim that the bull is dead for the recent decline. It is normal to have a correction and consolidation in the middle of the year, and such a correction happens to be the time to enter the spot market. The Federal Reserve is likely to cut interest rates twice in the second half of the year. The benefits of Ethereum spot ETF have not yet been implemented. The take-off in the second half of the year is foreseeable. So now is the time to seize the opportunity, keep the bullet, and wait for the day of take-off!