This drop is nothing. After three years, we still have to review the brutality of 519.

519 in 21 years. Those who have not experienced it can feel the despair of people in the currency circle at that time. You have to look at this picture!

Backstage It is another special day in the currency circle. It is another 519. Those who have experienced 94, 312, and 519 are definitely old leeks in the currency circle.

Because these major events in the currency circle have left a deep impression on currency circle practitioners. No matter how awesome you are in the currency circle, you can avoid 94 and 312, but you may not be able to avoid 519. Thinking of 519, I am a little scared. The degree of panic at that time is still unforgettable. I worked hard for half a year and was taken away by a wave. Only those who have experienced it know how miserable it was at that time.

In fact, after every plunge, there will be a wave of good market conditions. Look at 94 in 17, 312, and 519 in 21 years. Are there a large wave of market conditions? So don't think too badly about these. Opportunities often appear at bad times.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. Is there anything wrong with copying the 519 market now?

The cryptocurrency world is also a capital market, so the 80/20 rule must exist in the capital market, 80% lose money, 20% make money. Many people think that the cryptocurrency world is a market where you can make money without any effort, but this is completely wrong. Every penny you earn is lost by others.

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