Odaily Planet Daily News: The Hong Kong Financial Services Council published a research report titled "Making Good Use of Digital Identity: Promoting the Digital Transformation of Hong Kong's Financial Services Industry" and put forward a series of recommendations aimed at establishing an ecosystem that is conducive to the adoption and development of digital identity (digital ID) and promoting innovation and collaboration in Hong Kong's financial services industry. Specific policy recommendations include: (a) Explore a more comprehensive implementation of the "Smart Convenience" plan and empower the development of private digital identity wallets; (b) Develop a digital identity trust framework for the digital identity ecosystem; (c) Improve infrastructure and legal frameworks to enhance the interoperability of digital identities; (d) Coordinate digital identity authentication standards to achieve seamless integration of cross-border identity authentication mechanisms; (e) Enhance education and publicity on the adoption of trusted digital identities and promote social empowerment. (Official website of the Hong Kong Financial Services Council)