📊 **Bitcoin Market Analysis** 📊

🔸 **Wave-G Conclusion**: If Diametric ended at Wave-G, the minimum time for wave-x is 1/3 that of Diametric (small green rectangle).

🔸 **Downside Target**: The minimum target for wave-x is below Wave-F's low, with a potential drop (shockingly) below $1000. 😱

🔸 **January Prediction**:

"Bitcoin will continue to drift or rally for the next year as public ETFs and trading vehicles let the public buy in at the top." 📈

🔸 **Wave-b Over?**: This year's high decline suggests wave-b might be over. Assuming wave-x forms a triangle keeps the structure near the middle of the pattern.

🔸 **Critical Level**: Wave-c must break $10,000 this decade to maintain this scenario. 🚀

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