After noon, the Bitcoin and Ethereum prices both retreated after hitting the intraday high. They continued to rebound and then retreated. It seems that the volatility of the two-day market this weekend is still good compared with the previous weeks. The market has now reached the lower support and the operating space has shrunk slightly. The long orders arranged earlier in the day have taken 1028+58 points of space, and the profits have been pocketed steadily. The operation ideas given in the afternoon are also based on low-long, and the long orders that have entered the market are still being held. The subsequent arrangements will be supplemented based on the rebound strength of the market.

As far as the current market is concerned, the road to the rebound of the bulls is not smooth, not as smooth as the bottoming rebound after breaking 60,000 last time, but from the daily and 12-hour levels, the market still has a rebound demand. Since the current market's long and short forces are relatively balanced, it is normal that the temporary rebound is not strong enough. The market outlook is still optimistic about the continuation of the bull rebound after the pin closing, and the midnight is still based on the idea of ​​more.

Pie: 57100-56600 more, see 58000

Ether: 2990-2960 more, see 3040#币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB