There is nothing to do every day, but things happen every day, and I am busy but still confused.

After rising more than 2,000 points from midnight on Monday to the weekly high of 63,849, the big cake has been diving continuously. It was like a cold icy rain hitting the face, catching the bulls off guard. Following the general trend, it went down from Monday to Friday and reached 53,329 on Friday afternoon. It was really an exaggeration to drop 10,000 points in one week. Looking back at the 63,800 at the beginning of the week, I thought it was just the starting point, but it became the peak. Fortunately, it did not kill it after Friday afternoon. The market gradually recovered in the subsequent two days and over the weekend. The rebound space for these two days was more than 5,000 points. The current highest rebound was 58,472. Under the volatile market this week, investors in the market can easily produce polarized returns. Either they catch up with the trend and make a lot of money, or they lose everything. Of course, it is impossible to keep catching the frequent pins in the market, but after the trend direction gives a clear sign, it is natural to follow the trend to make a layout and make profits. Although it is impossible to make money all the time, you can definitely get your share of the income. This week, my layout here also gave me a few educational lessons. Compared with last week's big win, this week's losses are slightly more. It is necessary to be prepared for danger in times of peace. When the income is not good, the sense of crisis becomes more sufficient. In the follow-up, it is also a small turn of events under our dedicated layout and control. This week, the big cake won a total of 7883 points, and the ether won 632 points. During this period, I also led the friends who followed the beginning of the week to complete the turnover. The short-term layout in the daily group also frequently received good news. Overall, after a week, I have a clear conscience. There is still a long way to go. Continue to work hard.

Due to the large fluctuations in the market this week, I would like to talk a little more here. Originally, the survival of this circle does not focus on competing for temporary highs and lows. I have always mentioned that mentality is very important. Not only that, it is also indispensable to have a correct understanding and effective strategies for investment thinking and concepts. Don't let your operating mentality get carried away by the ups and downs of the market and get some bad results. As the old saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient. As ordinary people, we can only follow the market and follow the market. In a word, we should make the best of it. Those who treat it with care will always gain something, but the time of gain will be different.

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