The distribution of Bitcoin holdings revealed!

The total amount of Bitcoin is limited, only 21 million, and its distribution has attracted much attention. The latest statistics show the holding of Bitcoin, which is thought-provoking!

Distribution overview:

Personal holdings: 57%

Lost Bitcoin: 17.6% (about 3.7 million)

BTC to be mined: 6.6%

Satoshi wallet: 5.2%

BTC ETF: 3.9%

Companies: 3.6%

Miners: 3.4%

Government: 2.7%

Analysis: Individual holdings account for the majority: More than half of Bitcoin is held by individuals, showing its widespread popularity among ordinary investors.

Up to 17.6% of Bitcoin has been lost: Due to reasons such as the loss of private keys, this part of Bitcoin has disappeared permanently, further reducing the market circulation and increasing scarcity.

Bitcoin to be mined: In the future, there are still 6.6% of Bitcoin that have not been mined, and miners still have the opportunity to obtain new coins.

The mystery of Satoshi wallets: Satoshi wallets account for 5.2%, and these bitcoins are currently not moved, increasing market uncertainty.

Importance of institutional holdings and ETFs: The holdings of companies and ETFs show the recognition and investment confidence of institutions in bitcoins.

Potential of government holdings: The government holds 2.7%, showing the country's attention to digital assets and possible policy impact.

Summary: The distribution of bitcoins reveals its importance and scarcity worldwide.

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