🎉Good news! According to Solana's Q2 financial report released by Coin98 Analytics, Solana has performed well in the past quarter! 🔥Network fees and revenue increased by more than 42 times year-on-year, and the total SOL transaction volume reached a staggering $292 billion, nearly 7 times the same period last year. 😮

📈In addition, Solana's Q2 network and ecological indicators are also impressive. More than 15.3 billion transactions were conducted, including voting and non-voting, and the TVL reached $3.4 billion, a 10-fold increase year-on-year. 🚀

🎨In the field of NFT, Solana is not to be outdone, with more than 98 million newly minted NFTs, a 54-fold increase year-on-year. 💥

💰Finally, the on-chain USDC market value reached $2.15 billion, accounting for about 70% of the total USDC market value. 👏

These data undoubtedly prove Solana's strong potential and active ecology. As optimistic as Bitcoin is, we also look forward to Solana continuing this strong growth momentum! 🎉