From the current overall structure, the big cake has once again gone out of the continuous positive structure and recovered to the highest level of 58472. Although it did not stand firm on the first line and gave a small retracement, the support of 57000 below is still very stable, but it seems that it is only a matter of time before it breaks through!

The current correction of the navigation situation is the best proof, which also shows that the price ratio is building a new rising platform. It can be seen that the bulls are sufficient in both momentum and form, and will not turn around again to give a deep adjustment, at least not at present. Instead, they will recover after the correction. In the short-term price ratio trend structure, as the support below becomes stronger and stronger, the pressure above will also continue to weaken. In the future, the bulls will most likely continue to rise. Although there may be a retracement, we can still think that this is a means for the bulls to accumulate momentum, so we can keep the main long idea to arrange the orange in the future.

Operation suggestions

Big cake is around 57000-56700, and it can go up to 58500

Auntie is around 2980-2960, and it can go up to 3050#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC☀