Macroeconomics guru and Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal claims that the total cryptocurrency market capitalization will skyrocket to a staggering $100 trillion.

In a new interview on the Blockworks Macro YouTube channel, the former Goldman Sachs executive stated that if the digital asset industry continues to grow at its current rate, its total market capitalization will increase by approximately 44 times in less than 10 years.

According to Pal, the explosive growth of the overall market capitalization of crypto assets will be the greatest opportunity for wealth creation.

“Today the market capitalization is $2.5 trillion. If we just extrapolate the growth rate, it will reach 100 trillion by 2032. So this is the greatest wealth creation opportunity in the history of mankind.”

According to CoinGecko, at the time of writing, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization was $2.24 trillion.

The macroeconomics guru notes that traders should be wary of succumbing to the tribal mentality when it comes to digital assets and taking on maximum risk.

“Our job here is not to philosophize and talk about [where to invest money] and ruin everything, our job is to make the most of the opportunities and it's a balance between how you take risks, because a lot of people take risks of 10 at most.” %.

No, no, no, look, if it goes from $2.5 trillion to $100 trillion, you don't have to take maximum risk, you can just grab the majority of it and then tidy up the tail a little bit."

Pal continues to say that the majority of his cryptocurrency portfolio is in smart contract platforms and Solana ($SOL ) competitor Ethereum ($ETH ) as he believes it and other altcoins have greater growth potential than the king of cryptocurrencies Bitcoin ($BTC ).

“ 90% of my liquid net worth is now mostly allocated to Solana... I don't have much Bitcoin right now. It doesn’t mean I don’t like Bitcoin, I just think others are growing faster, that’s all.”

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