⚡️Must see! Did the three big mountains really deliberately crash the market?

⚡️Or did someone do it deliberately? A set of data will give you the answer

The first one is Dezi, which has been discussed the most recently. They have 49,859 big cakes without cost. From June 19th to today, there are 39,826 left. They sold 10,033 together, with an average selling price of about 60,000, which is about 600 million US dollars

The second one is Laomei. As of April 2nd, they held 220,112 big cakes together. But here we mainly focus on the data from June to now. From May, there are 217,494 left to now, there are 213,297 left, and 4,197 sold, with an average selling price of about 60,000, which is about 240 million US dollars

The third one is Mentougou, which is the most panic-stricken. They transferred about 15,000 big cakes, with an average price of about 61,000. About 900 million US dollars.

The three companies totaled 17.1 US dollars. Is this a large amount? In my opinion, it is not large. It will not cause such a big impact on the market. So the question is, what caused the market to plummet?

I think the selling pressure of the three mountains is just an inducement. Capital smells the smell of blood chips here. The news you see is not terrible. What is terrible is the capital behind the operation of public opinion and human nature. Harvesting the world by creating panic. It is not a new routine, but it has been tried and tested.

We are definitely small in front of capital. All we can do is to defend our own one acre and three points of land. Don't blindly buy the bottom. It must be patient, patient and patient. I have felt that the dawn of victory is ahead, and I must not fall before dawn.


